There's something absolutely magical about stepping foot inside a crystal shop.
The energy that greets you is welcoming, alluring, and often familiar - even if you've never visited that shop before.
As a purely online store, it's hard for us to replicate that feeling for our lovely customers of being in a physical crystal retail shop. And as crystal lovers ourselves, we totally understand that it can be hard picking "the one" when it isn't in front of you to touch, feel, and tune into.
Thankfully, there are ways that you can pick out the perfect crystals for yourself, even online - and know that when we pack your orders, we're doing our best to choose the ones that are calling out to come to you!

Start by scrolling through the photos
Whether it's our store, or another online store, it's a good idea to scroll through all the products with an open mind before searching - even if you're after something in particular. You never know what might jump out at you, and it might not be what you expect! Take note of anything that "sticks" in your mind, and take a moment afterwards to go back to those that caught your attention. Although the crystals aren't physically in front of you, this is the easiest way to intuitively pick online.
It's important to note here that it can sometimes be difficult for crystal sellers to accurately photograph a crystals colour, size and shape. This is partly because some colours stand out more in camera with certain crystals (for example, when photographing fluorite blue tones seem to shine through more in camera than are visible to the naked eye, both with cellphone cameras and DSLR cameras). There are also slight colour variations on different screens (many cellphones show colours more vividly/with more saturation than laptops and computer screens. Although most crystal sellers won't intentionally mislead you (we hope!), this can be an unfortunate compromise when having an online store rather than a retail store. If you see something you love but want to double check or aren't sure of the size or colour, just contact us (or the shop you're browsing) to ask for more photos or video. Any seller worth buying from won't mind!

Read the descriptions
If you aren't sure what you want, or need, and are having trouble choosing visually (or are trying to make a decision between two or more crystals... and don't want to just get them all), it's worth reading the descriptions given to see what metaphysical and spiritual properties that crystal is known for. See if anything stands out to you, resonates with you, or even triggers you (in which case, it may be your subscious/Higher Self not-so-gently alerting you to something that needs to be healed and resolved that perhaps you've been avoiding). You'll likely find that many crystals have overlapping properties - this is especially the case with crystals that resonate with the same Chakras, or are similar colours. This is when you'd go back to which you're more drawn to visually. Try to not overthink it, and you'll likely find your intuition can guide you!
We have a quick reference page of (very brief!) crystal meanings here.
Meditate on it
If you're still feeling unsure, or are overwhelmed by the options, take a break, then later on, sit down and spend some time meditating. Pay attention to which crystals pop back into your mind - you know, the ones that you can't stop thinking about and keep coming back to. Ask for guidance, if that's your jam, and listen to what messages you receive. You may even be shown colours or shapes to guide you (or sometimes we even find ourselves dreaming about them!). It may be unclear why certain crystals keep drawing you back, so trust your instincts here.
It can be super hard trying to pick out crystals online, we know - but hopefully this guide makes it a bit easier for you, and takes some of the pressure of! If you still can't decide, feel free to contact us for guidance or recommendations, or feel free to let us pick for you by ordering one of our popular mystery boxes.
Happy crystal hunting!