Mangano Calcite XL Tumbles - Premium Crystals + Gifts from Clarity Co. - NZ's Favourite Online Crystal Shop
Clarity Co.

Mangano Calcite XL Tumbles

Regular price $5.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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For a gentle reminder of your worth.

A soft + gentle crystal, Mangano Calcite serves as a reminder of self worth, acceptance and compassion.  It's believed to encourage confidence and unconditional love for yourself and those around you, reminding you to hold the same grace for yourself as you would for a friend or loved one.  A heart opener, this crystal can be used to enhance feelings of empathy and understanding, and is one to help you love yourself unconditionally so that you may share unconditional love with others.

Mangano Calcite is also said to help soothe stress, tension + anxious feelings.  It’s believed to reduce nightmares or alleviate lingering fear, and can be used when working to release emotional trauma or when grieving a loved one, a relationship, or a dream.

Price is for one tumble only, selected intuitively for you. As these are natural items, their beauty lies in their unique irregularities.