Reading, Resources + How Tos — Anxiety
How To Raise Your Vibration
Abundance Anxiety Growth How To Law of Attraction Manifesting Personal Growth Resources

Everything is energy. Did you know, every cell in your body is constantly vibrating? This vibration makes up your energetic field, which affects your moods, emotions, actions, manifestations... the list goes on. So why should you raise your vibration? Your frequency attracts other things/people/situations that are vibrating at the same frequency to you. You know those days (or weeks) when you're feeling low, off, perhaps even in a bit of a slump? This may be a sign that you're in a state of low vibration, meaning that your cells are vibrating slowly. On the flipside, when you're feeling things like joy, high...
Crystals For Anxiety
Anxiety Blog How To Mental Health Mental Wellness Reading Resources Stress

Please note: While we wholeheartedly believe that crystals are incredible tools for mental and spiritual health + healing support, the information given here is intended as a guide only and should not be used in place of medical advice or support. Please make sure you look after yourself! Ok, so. Anxiety sucks, right? Like... Dyson vacuum cleaner sucks. It sucks BIG time. But unlike a Dyson, anxiety sucks in a bad way. If you've never experienced it personally, it's basically like a constant feeling that a lion or bear or scary predator is following you waiting to pounce at any given...