Reading, Resources + How Tos

Getting Started With Crystals

Blog How To Reading Resources

Getting Started With Crystals

So, you've found yourself drawn crystals - but where do we start?! Crystals are definitely becoming more widely known and used, which is amazing! The only thing is, there is so much information out there around them, so it can be really overwhelming when you want to start your journey. So firstly, and perhaps most importantly: Don't Panic. Everyone and anyone can benefit from crystals.  You don't have to be super spiritual, you don't have to know everything about them to work with them, and even if you literally just think they're pretty rocks (and lets be honest, they are super pretty), you can still benefit from...

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How To Choose Your Crystals (over the internet!)

Blog How To Reading Resources

How To Choose Your Crystals (over the internet!)

  There's something absolutely magical about stepping foot inside a crystal shop. The energy that greets you is welcoming, alluring, and often familiar - even if you've never visited that shop before. As a purely online store, it's hard for us to replicate that feeling for our lovely customers of being in a physical crystal retail shop.  And as crystal lovers ourselves, we totally understand that it can be hard picking "the one" when it isn't in front of you to touch, feel, and tune into. Thankfully, there are ways that you can pick out the perfect crystals for yourself,...

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Guest Post - Saskia R: Crystal Grids

Guest Post - Saskia R: Crystal Grids

Guest Post by Saskia aka. @witchypoo75 - Find her work/book her services here. Crystal Grids When it comes to building a grid, remember that a grid can be as complex or as simple as you like. I like to use nature in my grids, things I find like shells, flowers, leaves and herbs. All of these things hold energy too, so even if you don't own any crystals or can't afford to buy any or many right now it doesn't matter. Mix and Match. Grids are all about intention, when you feel a certain way or want to send out a...

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How To Cleanse Your Crystals

Blog Cleanse How To Reading Resources

How To Cleanse Your Crystals

  It's a special kind of excitement when you receive your beautiful new crystals.  So shiny!  So pretty!  So many good vibes! We regularly cleanse + charge our crystals so that they arrive to you with amazing, vibrant, positive, loving intentions; however, it's totally ok if you want to cleanse + charge them yourself with your own energy and intentions.  It's a good idea to make this a regular practice, as when we care for our crystals, we are also caring for ourselves. Why is cleansing a good idea? When we use crystals, it's basically an energy exchange; so it's believed...

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